The show is shot at Mumbai’s Goregaon Filmcity and there is a theatre in which the first part of the drama is shot. During the interval, Kapil invites audience to participate when he addresses them by raising questions and answering their queries.
If you are also willing to be a part of the audience and interact with your favorite comedian as well as Bollywood stars, then you can easily do so. This show has audience participation which is a unique idea of Kapil in itself. In his own words while being interviewed with IANS, “My show has audience participation. This is my show’s USP. I have also brought in theatre in the show. There is drama before the interval, then interaction with the public.” Reference from: The Times of India.
If you are also willing to be a part of the audience and interact with your favorite comedian as well as Bollywood stars, then you can easily do so. This show has audience participation which is a unique idea of Kapil in itself. In his own words while being interviewed with IANS, “My show has audience participation. This is my show’s USP. I have also brought in theatre in the show. There is drama before the interval, then interaction with the public.” Reference from: The Times of India.
Nowadays, tickets for this show are available with recommendation (sifaarish) of some known person. This might have happened because of increased popularity of the show.
Nowadays, tickets for this show are available with recommendation (sifaarish) of some known person. This might have happened because of increased popularity of the show.
How to steps To get entry passes for the show
First of all go directly to film city and meet the person concerned who arranges for the free passes.
The other way is to write a letter to the director of the Sony TV channel or the producer of the show TKSS asking for the entry tickets.
You can write them either online by visiting their official website or offline by writing a letter and then posting it or handing it over to them personally.
If you’re lucky to be selected you’ll receive a reply from them in which the date and other details about the show for which you’ve given the pass will be mentioned.Most importantly you’re not charged anything for the tickets and it’s absolutely free of cost. So good luck and happy viewing:)
The other way is to write a letter to the director of the Sony TV channel or the producer of the show TKSS asking for the entry tickets.
You can write them either online by visiting their official website or offline by writing a letter and then posting it or handing it over to them personally.
If you’re lucky to be selected you’ll receive a reply from them in which the date and other details about the show for which you’ve given the pass will be mentioned.Most importantly you’re not charged anything for the tickets and it’s absolutely free of cost. So good luck and happy viewing:)
Try tweeting: Ruslaan Sayed (@ruslaansayed) on Twitter
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